The first section is a voice-over - written by John Phillips Bengero - recorded using some sort of automatic "text-to-voice" conversion - it sounds highly comical.
00:31 "After a few days of chatting Tim Cumper decided to visit the Philippines"
[I was actually invited to go to the Philippines.
A short extract from our early chats on DIA:-
curly hair [Mayen] wrote: 21 Apr 2007 "but you know what, i do suggest tim that you will first visit in the phillipines and experience our culture..... it would be an unforgetable experience you ever have........"]
1:14 [Having selectively omitted - my being first informed that the girl thought she was pregnant - for a week only - before I announced my 2nd flight to see her.The photograph being displayed, one of 3, was not shown to me until January 12th 2008 - The girl attempted to show me (unsuccessfully) from her phone during a webcam chat on this date - although the images were impossible to see because of the glare - this was the first time I learned of their existence. If they were taken, as alleged, while the girl was still in hospital in August 2007 - why were they not sent to me as proof at that time?
Let me remind readers - this is not a photo of a scar, as Noemi suggests - it is a photo of a dressing.]
1:27 [Yes - I did think it could have been a scam - but everything was ambiguous - I was simply asking for official proof, from the hospital.]
1:35 [Yes - I did decide - for one day only - that if it was a scam - I had better just leave it all alone, but resumed communication on the very next day.]
1:40 [No - Tim Cumper did not create The Hospital Scams website until October 2007 - after all the continued ambiguity - after the appearance of what looked like a fake scar being revealed over the webcam - and after my blog was hacked and deleted (a blog which the girl & the Marketing Manager knew about, because I sent them the URL - changing it from "private" to "public" for a very short time so that they could read it) - the blog was initially conceived as a private photo-journal of my happy romance - until it started to go wrong - and I kept the writing going.]
1:48 [ Exaggeration after exaggeration.]
02:00 [Of course there are "more than a dozen websites that condemn Tim Cumper" - because they were organised by the people who made this video as part of a campagin to bury the story - what else do you expect these websites to say - that I'm a nice guy, and defeat their own purpose?]
02:10 [Excuse the laughable voice-over - yes - my writings present the facts as they appeared to me - however, everyone elses' writings deliberately twist the facts, distort the perception - purposely - to garner apparent support. That is incitement by falsehood.]
02:17 [Oh yes they have thought similar to me, and expressed it - I have discovered comments stashed away by Jepoy - which he laughs at - written by other people, that were deleted from these websites - censored or removed as "spam" - that state exact agreement with my point of view - and in far more insulting language.]
02:24 Southern Don - "A grand scheme of deception and larceny . . ." [that was always a possibility - but I admit in my writing that it was far more likely that it was a small scale scam attempt involving 3 or 4 people at most, that was unsuccessful, so required corroboration by others to project innocence - because by this time - the story was featuring heavily in the search engines - predominantly using the name of the real estate company.]
". . . a man, who's only purpose for visiting her was to take advantage of her sexually, and then walk away from the consequences of his actions . . . dark, cruel campaign of slander, libel, civil abuse, financial abuse & sexual exploitation."
[Despite evidence to the contrary - about my continued devotion & commitment to the girl & our mutually made plans, during and after she had announced her first suspicions of a normal pregnancy.]
03:53 [Yes - we were bluffing about the sophisticated equipment - it only took eyesight - a decent monitor and a magnifying glass (hence the digital/analogue spectral analysis device) - the joke was obviously lost.Of course - that joke ". . . casts a dark shadow over my claims."]
04:19 [Damn right I attacked the bloggers personally.At the very least I had justified causes for my suspicion - the bloggers, who arrived on the scene 6 months later - knew absolutely nothing about the events - pretending to be a random group of morally righteous citizens - yet who were really an organised gang, who all had connections with each other - planning and carrying out an orchestrated campaign of deliberate deceit, willful distortion of the facts, contemptuous, flippant mockery, naked hatred - pretending with their hostile lies that it was for a moral reason - when all the time it was purely to pretend the innocence of the real estate company.]
04:29 "Lewd pictures" - [you have to laugh - a guy showing his bum - but a bum covered up by Jepoy's head - Lewd? ? ?]
04:33 "Inadvertantly revealed to everyone . . ." [sarcasm ~ of course, nobody had the slightest idea who was behind this fake profile until that "slip-up" - it is so obvious that the profile was set up for sinister & deceitful gain - I'd laugh if it weren't so pathetic.]
04:40 ["Scum, filth, excrement . . ." - quite polite really - all things considered.]
04:54 [A complete lie - the accusations about Noemi's daughter.]
05:11 "After weeks of searching - we finally found Mayen" - [so the real estate company weren't involved?]
05:20 "Sit back & listen to what the real victim of all this drama has to say."
[Of course - they have no solid proof whatsoever.I know just how convincingly the girl can lie on camera - lies which were confessed only after photographic evidence had been shown to her.More lies about her mother having a stroke, and the girl visiting her in hospital on a different island - which I proved a lie by discovering that the girl was in the same internet cafe all the time.
Without that photographic evidence - would she have confessed?]
So now proceeds the interview - remember, it is not being done to discover the truth - merely to "redress the balance" - but here is the girl being interviewed by the woman who has already taken part in the campaign - who works for real estate - who carried an article about the real estate firm of the story on one of her real estate websites.Are we to believe that she helped launch this campaign - bringing enormous publicity to the firm - without some sort of liaison with them?
Which forces the question - if the real estate firm decided that a SEO campaign was the only way out of the mess online (whether the girl's story which was corroborated by members of the firm was true or not) - why did they take this decision? Why did they not attempt to send me more proof, receipts, the bills and invoices that the girl said she was in possession of, or those photographs which I was not aware of until January the following year? Why did they not do this when the story first went public in October 2007 - surely far less effort - if this proof existed?
In all this time I was still in touch with the girl.
Was she trying to do the company's dirty work - trying to convince me that it was all true - to get me to take down the story?
She professed a wish to continue the relationship - but knew perfectly well that I would require absolute proof - for me to re-invest my trust in her.
Nothing further was ever produced.
21:09 [Nicely fudging the issue of the email of the figures I was first sent by the real estate company - not the hospital. Omitting entirely the fact that the marketing manager at one time suggested I pay all the money into his dollar account.]
21:22 "I heard the British Embassy called you?"
"Yeah, they called me."
"What did they ask you?"
"They ask me if it's true that I am in the hospital".
"They called you in the room, to the hospital phone?"
"In the telephone . . . nurse . . . Is it true . . . ectopic pregnancy . . ."
[Can you imagine the Embassy phoning the hospital number, speaking with this girl - & then asking her if it is true that she is in the hospital?
I was only able to speak to the girl on her cellphone - proving nothing of her true whereabouts.
Besides - this is not what I was told by the Embassy themselves & the Embassy mention nothing about an ectopic pregnancy.
Here are our exchange of emails.
On the 18th August the marketing manager signs off an email to me with this -
"Why don't you instead request the British Embassy to help you.I have every intention to make them know about the incident if it is not resolved soon."
I had in fact written to them earlier that very same day, but their reply received 2 days later indicated that they could not help.
I send the Embassy another email, with a full explanation of my suspicions attached, on 22nd August (the same date I received a JPG of a bill attached to a hospital email - the day after I had revealed my blog to the real estate firm)
Here are the rapid fire communications between me and the British Embassy Manila, from the same day Wednesday 22nd August. This was a "live" exchange, proving that someone was actively involved on this case and considering the general apathy in replying to my emails, a rare occurrance indeed.
"Mr. Cumper,Thank you for your lengthy email with attachments. Let me state first that the assistance you asked is purely personal and is not something we normally get involved with because the subject of your enquiry is a foreign national. Having said that however, I made few enquiries and found out the following:
1) That Betita still remains at private Room 137 of Medical Centre Parañaque awaiting your remittance to pay her hospital bills. She has been given discharge order but unable to leave the hospital without payment.
2) Her total bill as of today is Php 83,262.69. Her daily room and board in a private room is Php 950.This amount will add to the total as the day progresses. The room does not have a telephone but if you wish to speak to Betita, you can call the hospital switchboard on 0632 825 6911 to 15 and ask the operator to connect you to Nurse Station 3. Betita is four rooms away from the station. Also to warn you that the telephone system is not efficient - reception is noisy and connection to local number takes sometime and can be disconnected from time to time.
3) Payments may be deposited directly to Medical Center Parañaque at Equitable PCI Bank, Dr. A. Santos Avenue Branch under A/C number ******. I checked this account number with the bank manager who confirmed the account number belongs to the hospital.
Hope the above information helps."
[Notice he doesn't suggest straight out that he actually spoke with Mayen, and confuses the issue later on when I ask him who the information that he relayed to me came from.]
I reply:
"Dear Sir, thank you very much for making those enquiries on my behalf.May I please enquire as from who the information you have acquired originated?As this is absolutely critical to my enquiries.Awaiting, humbly, your urgent response.
"Billing Supervisor Josephine Jimenez and Jaime Landicho, Jimenez's Accounting manager".
[No mention of Mayen as being a source of information - the girl herself - so as far as I was lead to understand, he had only chatted with the accounts department - and was relaying the information he was given by them - ie - it was all still completely unconfirmed that the girl was actually in hospital - the accounts department, as far as I was concerned, were already complicit in covering the marketing manager's back for him, because up until this day, they had refused to get in touch with me, personally - the one who had been elected by all concerned to pay the bill.
Had the marketing manager already been in touch with the Embassy - asking favours from them as well?
Why did the embassy decide to oblige my 2nd email plea for help & not the first?]
49:36 Mayen: "I had an ectopic pregnancy & I can prove it.
Noemi: "How can you prove your ectopic pregnancy?"
Mayen: "Um . . [3 second pause] . . the scar . . until this time . . ."
63:31 Mayen: "I have evidence on my body . . ."
[but Noemi never asks to see any proof at all . . . during this golden opportunity to prove me totally wrong - to end the affair once and for all - to prove that her personal involvement was about truth and not just to protect her colleagues in real estate.]
Obviously, much of the dialogue is unintelligible - either because of the noisy background, poor recording quality - or because if is in Tagalog.
1:27 [Yes - I did think it could have been a scam - but everything was ambiguous - I was simply asking for official proof, from the hospital.]
1:35 [Yes - I did decide - for one day only - that if it was a scam - I had better just leave it all alone, but resumed communication on the very next day.]
1:40 [No - Tim Cumper did not create The Hospital Scams website until October 2007 - after all the continued ambiguity - after the appearance of what looked like a fake scar being revealed over the webcam - and after my blog was hacked and deleted (a blog which the girl & the Marketing Manager knew about, because I sent them the URL - changing it from "private" to "public" for a very short time so that they could read it) - the blog was initially conceived as a private photo-journal of my happy romance - until it started to go wrong - and I kept the writing going.]
1:48 [ Exaggeration after exaggeration.]
02:00 [Of course there are "more than a dozen websites that condemn Tim Cumper" - because they were organised by the people who made this video as part of a campagin to bury the story - what else do you expect these websites to say - that I'm a nice guy, and defeat their own purpose?]
02:10 [Excuse the laughable voice-over - yes - my writings present the facts as they appeared to me - however, everyone elses' writings deliberately twist the facts, distort the perception - purposely - to garner apparent support. That is incitement by falsehood.]
02:17 [Oh yes they have thought similar to me, and expressed it - I have discovered comments stashed away by Jepoy - which he laughs at - written by other people, that were deleted from these websites - censored or removed as "spam" - that state exact agreement with my point of view - and in far more insulting language.]
02:24 Southern Don - "A grand scheme of deception and larceny . . ." [that was always a possibility - but I admit in my writing that it was far more likely that it was a small scale scam attempt involving 3 or 4 people at most, that was unsuccessful, so required corroboration by others to project innocence - because by this time - the story was featuring heavily in the search engines - predominantly using the name of the real estate company.]
". . . a man, who's only purpose for visiting her was to take advantage of her sexually, and then walk away from the consequences of his actions . . . dark, cruel campaign of slander, libel, civil abuse, financial abuse & sexual exploitation."
[Despite evidence to the contrary - about my continued devotion & commitment to the girl & our mutually made plans, during and after she had announced her first suspicions of a normal pregnancy.]
03:53 [Yes - we were bluffing about the sophisticated equipment - it only took eyesight - a decent monitor and a magnifying glass (hence the digital/analogue spectral analysis device) - the joke was obviously lost.Of course - that joke ". . . casts a dark shadow over my claims."]
04:19 [Damn right I attacked the bloggers personally.At the very least I had justified causes for my suspicion - the bloggers, who arrived on the scene 6 months later - knew absolutely nothing about the events - pretending to be a random group of morally righteous citizens - yet who were really an organised gang, who all had connections with each other - planning and carrying out an orchestrated campaign of deliberate deceit, willful distortion of the facts, contemptuous, flippant mockery, naked hatred - pretending with their hostile lies that it was for a moral reason - when all the time it was purely to pretend the innocence of the real estate company.]
04:29 "Lewd pictures" - [you have to laugh - a guy showing his bum - but a bum covered up by Jepoy's head - Lewd? ? ?]
04:33 "Inadvertantly revealed to everyone . . ." [sarcasm ~ of course, nobody had the slightest idea who was behind this fake profile until that "slip-up" - it is so obvious that the profile was set up for sinister & deceitful gain - I'd laugh if it weren't so pathetic.]
04:40 ["Scum, filth, excrement . . ." - quite polite really - all things considered.]
04:54 [A complete lie - the accusations about Noemi's daughter.]
05:11 "After weeks of searching - we finally found Mayen" - [so the real estate company weren't involved?]
05:20 "Sit back & listen to what the real victim of all this drama has to say."
[Of course - they have no solid proof whatsoever.I know just how convincingly the girl can lie on camera - lies which were confessed only after photographic evidence had been shown to her.More lies about her mother having a stroke, and the girl visiting her in hospital on a different island - which I proved a lie by discovering that the girl was in the same internet cafe all the time.
Without that photographic evidence - would she have confessed?]
So now proceeds the interview - remember, it is not being done to discover the truth - merely to "redress the balance" - but here is the girl being interviewed by the woman who has already taken part in the campaign - who works for real estate - who carried an article about the real estate firm of the story on one of her real estate websites.Are we to believe that she helped launch this campaign - bringing enormous publicity to the firm - without some sort of liaison with them?
Which forces the question - if the real estate firm decided that a SEO campaign was the only way out of the mess online (whether the girl's story which was corroborated by members of the firm was true or not) - why did they take this decision? Why did they not attempt to send me more proof, receipts, the bills and invoices that the girl said she was in possession of, or those photographs which I was not aware of until January the following year? Why did they not do this when the story first went public in October 2007 - surely far less effort - if this proof existed?
In all this time I was still in touch with the girl.
Was she trying to do the company's dirty work - trying to convince me that it was all true - to get me to take down the story?
She professed a wish to continue the relationship - but knew perfectly well that I would require absolute proof - for me to re-invest my trust in her.
Nothing further was ever produced.
21:09 [Nicely fudging the issue of the email of the figures I was first sent by the real estate company - not the hospital. Omitting entirely the fact that the marketing manager at one time suggested I pay all the money into his dollar account.]
21:22 "I heard the British Embassy called you?"
"Yeah, they called me."
"What did they ask you?"
"They ask me if it's true that I am in the hospital".
"They called you in the room, to the hospital phone?"
"In the telephone . . . nurse . . . Is it true . . . ectopic pregnancy . . ."
[Can you imagine the Embassy phoning the hospital number, speaking with this girl - & then asking her if it is true that she is in the hospital?
I was only able to speak to the girl on her cellphone - proving nothing of her true whereabouts.
Besides - this is not what I was told by the Embassy themselves & the Embassy mention nothing about an ectopic pregnancy.
Here are our exchange of emails.
On the 18th August the marketing manager signs off an email to me with this -
"Why don't you instead request the British Embassy to help you.I have every intention to make them know about the incident if it is not resolved soon."
I had in fact written to them earlier that very same day, but their reply received 2 days later indicated that they could not help.
I send the Embassy another email, with a full explanation of my suspicions attached, on 22nd August (the same date I received a JPG of a bill attached to a hospital email - the day after I had revealed my blog to the real estate firm)
Here are the rapid fire communications between me and the British Embassy Manila, from the same day Wednesday 22nd August. This was a "live" exchange, proving that someone was actively involved on this case and considering the general apathy in replying to my emails, a rare occurrance indeed.
"Mr. Cumper,Thank you for your lengthy email with attachments. Let me state first that the assistance you asked is purely personal and is not something we normally get involved with because the subject of your enquiry is a foreign national. Having said that however, I made few enquiries and found out the following:
1) That Betita still remains at private Room 137 of Medical Centre Parañaque awaiting your remittance to pay her hospital bills. She has been given discharge order but unable to leave the hospital without payment.
2) Her total bill as of today is Php 83,262.69. Her daily room and board in a private room is Php 950.This amount will add to the total as the day progresses. The room does not have a telephone but if you wish to speak to Betita, you can call the hospital switchboard on 0632 825 6911 to 15 and ask the operator to connect you to Nurse Station 3. Betita is four rooms away from the station. Also to warn you that the telephone system is not efficient - reception is noisy and connection to local number takes sometime and can be disconnected from time to time.
3) Payments may be deposited directly to Medical Center Parañaque at Equitable PCI Bank, Dr. A. Santos Avenue Branch under A/C number ******. I checked this account number with the bank manager who confirmed the account number belongs to the hospital.
Hope the above information helps."
[Notice he doesn't suggest straight out that he actually spoke with Mayen, and confuses the issue later on when I ask him who the information that he relayed to me came from.]
I reply:
"Dear Sir, thank you very much for making those enquiries on my behalf.May I please enquire as from who the information you have acquired originated?As this is absolutely critical to my enquiries.Awaiting, humbly, your urgent response.
Yours sincerely,
Mr Timothy Ellis Cumper"
& then . . .
"This was your original email." [They had pasted a copy of my attachment email.]
I reply again:
"Dear Sir,
& then . . .
"This was your original email." [They had pasted a copy of my attachment email.]
I reply again:
"Dear Sir,
I am sorry, my question referred to who at the hospital did you speak to with your kind enquiry on my behalf?
Mr Timothy E Cumper"
& then . . .
"Did you mean the source of information?
& then . . .
"Did you mean the source of information?
Hospital: Mr. Landicho - Accounts Manager.Bank: Mr. Louie Domingo & . . .The original email request came from you.
Did it not?
I deleted your original long email."
& finally . . .
& finally . . .
"Billing Supervisor Josephine Jimenez and Jaime Landicho, Jimenez's Accounting manager".
[No mention of Mayen as being a source of information - the girl herself - so as far as I was lead to understand, he had only chatted with the accounts department - and was relaying the information he was given by them - ie - it was all still completely unconfirmed that the girl was actually in hospital - the accounts department, as far as I was concerned, were already complicit in covering the marketing manager's back for him, because up until this day, they had refused to get in touch with me, personally - the one who had been elected by all concerned to pay the bill.
Had the marketing manager already been in touch with the Embassy - asking favours from them as well?
Why did the embassy decide to oblige my 2nd email plea for help & not the first?]
49:36 Mayen: "I had an ectopic pregnancy & I can prove it.
Noemi: "How can you prove your ectopic pregnancy?"
Mayen: "Um . . [3 second pause] . . the scar . . until this time . . ."
63:31 Mayen: "I have evidence on my body . . ."
[but Noemi never asks to see any proof at all . . . during this golden opportunity to prove me totally wrong - to end the affair once and for all - to prove that her personal involvement was about truth and not just to protect her colleagues in real estate.]
Obviously, much of the dialogue is unintelligible - either because of the noisy background, poor recording quality - or because if is in Tagalog.
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